Ο πρώτος metal γάμος της χρονιάς, έγινε χθες στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Ο γνωστός ευεργέτης του ελληνικού Fan Club των DREAM THEATER και πρώην dj (τρομάρα του) Γιώργος Βρύζας, παντρεύτηκε την καλή του σε μια τελετή που συγκέντρωσε μεταλλόκοσμο από κάθε πλευρά της Ελλάδας και όχι μόνο. Ένα θα σας πω: Τα φώτα κλείνουν, κεριά βρίσκονται αναμμένα σε όλα τα τραπέζια, το Forsaken των Dream Theater ακούγεται σε απίστευτη ένταση από τα ηχεία και οι νεόνυμφοι κάνουν την πιο μεταλλική είσοδο που έχω δει μέχρι σήμερα. Η φωνή του James Labrie συνόδεψε το κόψιμο της τούρτας ενώ ο πρώτος χορός έγινε υπό της μελωδίες των Evanescence. Μπράβο παιδιά!!!Να μας ζήσετε…
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To bachelor party έγινε την προηγούμενη μέρα σε συναυλία των Vicious Rumors…είπατε τίποτα;
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Kai mis pigame ston gamo tou filou mas tou dithen metalou, idritiko melos tou fan club ton theater kai ti akousame? Pane ta gidia sto mantri kai lipes sarakatsanikes aidies. Afou se mia fasi pou epeksan thrakiotita akoma kai mis ta metala anasaname kai xirokrotisame ligo, fantasou. Kala bachelor party ti na leme tora. KINO bachelor party se trendy bar.Ipame o gamos ine gelia kinoniki ipothesi pleon alla to mono enausma pou exi kapoios, to bachelor party, o serb to katakreourgise kai auto.
Re sy Savva pes tou vlammenou tou Panteli ti xorepse o Gampros mprosta prwtos meta tin tourta omws gia na dei oti oloi oi gamoi akoma kai oipio metallikoi exoune dimotika mesa...gia na stamtisei na mou prizei to sikwti...
Tha apantisei monos tou o gampros...epivaletai allwste:-)An kai ematha oti o Voutsogamos pou egine prosfata eixe asmata apo Ozzy...auto kai an einai metal!!!
Kala, ypirxe periptwsi na mpw me Gonithi? Oso gia to ti xorepsa meta Chris, rwta ton kosmo olo ti thimate apo ton gamo......
A!!!edw exei dikaio!!!Olos o kosmos thimatai to Forsaken!!!Htan to kerasaki tis tourtas...
Re serbeze ti paparies tsampounas? To pedi pantreutike kai organose toulaxiston to pio simantiko meros tis vradias (tragoudi ipodoxis kai xoros neonimfon) opos AUTOS ithele kai oxi opos o MPAMPAKAS tou ithele.
Ixe ta arxidia kai to ekane, ante pane vres ta dika sou esi tora kai stin vaftisi (prepi na ta vris omos giati allios moro den tha iparksi) vale kana theater i kana Pearl Jam gia tin dimitra.
O voutso aderfos evale "I just want you" Ozzy gia proto xoro neonimfon, oxi "Ta Provata Alonizoun Sta Ambelia" (i oti paromia bourda ipan) acapela apo afi serbezi.
Nuts, Grow A Pair.
edo kai ego pou den piga, mono to forsaken thimame. Tin nifi den ksero pos tin lene alla ksero me ti tragoudi mpike ston gamo tis
Re sy Giorgo ennoeitai ki egw ayto thymamai... Ennoeitai oti itane to clue tis vradias olis... Apla aytos o vlakas mou xeiprixei ta arxidia. E vlaka Chineli kanenas den mou eipe ti na kanw ston diko mou gamo monos mou ta diallexa ola...Egw epelexa na exw dimotika ki egw epelexa na paw sto Terra Nostra to Savvato to vrady. Oxi tha pigaina sto Val Hala to pio agamo magazi pou exw dei sti zwi mou i sto Sadansky pou protines esy na agorasw sportex...
I mipws stenoxwrethikes esy pou den pigame stis poutanes....pou thelate to Savvato...
Alla mi mou les emena istories giati esy oute tolmas na skeftesai na kaneis gamo giati fovasai na antimetwpiseis tous dikous sou goneis...
Sto sandasky tha agorazes esi sporteks kai emis tha "giortazame" tin teleutea mera agamis zois sou.
Sou ipe o vouts pos perasan sto bachelor tou aderfou tou?
Esi dialekses to programa ston gamo sou e? Giauto i dimitra mou ipe, ase re panteli, mono to METAL tha mas sosi.
Ego fovame na kano gamo gia na min antipetopiso tous gonis mou?
Diladi ime kseftilos pou den pantreuome giati fovame oti i gonis mou tha katheuthinoun ton gamo opos AUTI theloun opos ekanan kai me tin aderfi mou.
Simfono mazi sou, oti ine kseftila na min pantreuese gia sena alla gia tous gonis sou. Ean ego ime kseftilos pou den pantreuome giati fovame oti i gonis mou tha kanou oti theloun ston gamo mu tote ti ise esi pou pantreutikes kai o pateras sou ekane OTI ITHELE ston gamo?
Diladi den katalava, efige kanenas apo ton gamo sou kai ipe POPO ti magkas autos o serbezis kai enoouse ton xristo kai oxi ton vasili?
Den katalavenw giati prepei na kanw opws kai dipote bachelor? Epeidi kanoune oi dytikoi oi "politismenoi" sou simainei oti prepei na kanoume oloi bachelor. I na kopsw tourta? Oxi r file egw eimai ellinas i mallon Sarakatsanos kai giortasa tin teleytaia mera eleytherias mou opws tin ithela egw...
An esy xafnika stineis kwlo ston agglodytiko politismo sou gousto sou... Egw den tha to kanw pote.
Oso gia ton pion tha thymountai logiko einai afou ton ekana stin Komotini. An ekana ton gamo stin Athina den tha itane etsi ta pragmata...
Proton, i ellada aniki ston ditiko politismo. O ditikos politismos den ine tipote allo apo tin sinexia tou antropokentrikou xaraktira tou arxaiou ELLINIKOU politismou.
Opote ean ise ELLINAS akolouthis ton ditiko politismo. Ean ise neoellinas, eks anatolis, pas enantian ston ditiko politismo.
Esi den ise o karagiozis pou ipostirizis oti i sarakatsani proerxonte apo tous dorieis? Sto DNA mpori na ine alithia alla se auto pou metrai, to pneumatiko epipedo, iste se allous kosmous telika. Tha sigkrinoume tora ton aristoteli me ton sarakatsano tsopanovosko sta vouna? As gelaso.
Deuteron, to bachelor parti den ine xaraktiristiko tou ditikou politismou. Ine mia geniki antropini drastiriotita grameni sto dna mas. Akomi kai apolitistes files stin afriki exoun kapio idos sigkentrosis prin ton "gamo". O megaliteros extros tou ditikou politismou stis meres mas, i islamoaraves tis mesis anatolis organonoun isos ta megalitera bachelor parties.
To bachelor party ine ena agrafo antio stous filous sou kai stin proigoumeni agami zoi sou. Dixnis oti pernas se mia alli fasi tis zois sou, opou tha ise pistos stin gineka sou kai sta pedia sou. Les ena antio stous filous sou kai kala. Ama den sou aresoun i anothi logi sto kato kato tis grafis ine apla mia vradia with the boys opos lene sto america. Pote ksana tha vrethoume oli mazi? isos kai pote, auto ine ta bachelor parti pleon. mia eukeria gia tous filous na ta ksanapoune moni tous. Mia eukeria pou mas sterises diladi.
I sarakatsani to mono pou den ine ine eleutheri. Os sarakatsanos to teleuteo pou mporis na pis itan oti o gamos sou itan prototipos kai simfona me ton xaraktira kai tin prosopikotita sou. Oti ekanes itan empotismeno stin paradosi ton sarakatsanon (flaboura, tragoudia, fagito ktl). Diladi tipota den itan simfono me tin dikia sou gnomi. Akoma toso xazos ise pou den mporis na katalavis oti to kolima stin paradosi to mono pou kataferni ine na se SKLAVONI. I paradosi ine o extros tis atomikotitas kai tis dimiourgikotitas. Otidipote ekanes edikse poso megala ine ta desma tis aixmalosias sou. Oxi serbezi den edikses oti isoun eleutheros na kanis oti itheles, edikses poso sklavomenos ise stis epithimies tou patera sou, ton siggenon kai genika tis sarakatsanikis paradosis.
Edo des ti leei i wikipedia gia to bachelor party. Poso asxetos ise e?
A bachelor party (United States, South Africa), also known as a stag party or stag night (UK, Ireland, Canada, and New Zealand), bulls party (South Africa) or bucks party, or bucks night (Australia) is a party held for a bachelor shortly before he enters marriage, to make the most of his final opportunity to engage in activities a new wife might not approve of, or merely to spend time bonding with his male friends (often in his wedding party afterwards).
The history of bachelor party is thought to have originated with a bachelor dinner that was traditional in ancient Sparta (5th century) where soldiers would toast each other on the eve of a friend’s wedding.
loipon epeidi to blog einai gia alla pragmata kai emeis mporoume na malwnoume kai mesw msn, einai to teleytaio minima pou grafw den prokeitai na xana grapsw. Loipon Panteli exeis dikaio gia ola etsi opws ta les einai eimai sklavwmenos olwn aytwn twn pragmatwn. Apla otan milas gia atomikotita na epikentrwnesai sto diko sou atomo kai na min krineis ti kanoun oi alloi xwris na exeis kanei kati diaforetiko esy mexri stigmis...Otan tha kaneis kapoia pragmata, tote na miliseis...
Ti exo kani mexri tora pou ine mesa sto "paketo"? Diladi pu kani o mesos ellinas?
Isos tipota.
Oso gia to mellon, o keros tha diksi, alla simfona me to parelthon ta sigoura lefta ine stin atomikotita mou.
Min ksexnas oti ego den exo tin idia ipikootita, tis idies politikes i thriskeutikes pepithisis me tous gonis mou. Kala enoite oti den akouo tin idia mousiki. Edo stin kathimerini mou zoi den milao tin glosa pou milane i gonis mou.
Exo ola ta stixia diladi, enos pragmatika eleutherou antropou, enos antropou pou ekane tis dikes tou epiloges kai den akolouthise tifla to "paketo" mesa sto opio genithike.
Gia na min pareksigoume, enoite oti den ipostirizo oti prepei soi kai kala na exis entelos diaforetikes apopsis me tous gonis sou. Ipostirizo oti prepei na exis diaforetikes apopsis apo tous gonis sou mono otan i epiloges ton goneon sou einai lathos.
An iksera oti tha ginotan tetios xamos, den tha pantreyomouna :-(
Oles oi apopseis sevastes (min sas gamisw).
Eixa kati sxedia gia ta vaftisia.... alla asto kalitera.....
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The relative complexities of women's and men's style
Both men and women can feel the difficulties of maintaining their clothing up-to-date and in season, yet men's fashion frequently seems a lot less difficult. Of program, for both genders, garments and fashion choices can be just as complicated, and there are many'cool'items which can easily become fashion faux pas - who are able to say they often times see people running around in 70s flames? On the other hand, men's fashion features a few staple goods that can exist forever - which man is going to look out of place with a good-quality, tailored suit, for example? Pick basic pieces, colors and fabrics and you'll never seem out-of-place.
Why common men's style is eternal
The traditional man's suit has barely changed for over a hundred years. True, there are many versions for various occasions, nevertheless they are all common in their search for a clever, sharp try to find the individual. The neat thing about classic style for men is that it is effectively stylish simply cool. A well-groomed lady can almost always look his sharpest in a well-tailored suit, and this can be a testament to the style of such clothing. A match will be worn to work in several occupations due to the professional look it provides to the wearer, instilling a sense of respect and trust. Similarly a suit will undoubtedly be worn to many social situations, like a tuxedo to a black-tie event. This amazing flexibility that allows matches to be utilized in just about all events is what gives it its amazing advantage and a permanent devote men's fashion.
Contemporary trends in traditional men's fashion
Whilst basic men's designs can never be changed, it's interesting to observe that shifts in men's fashion trends have produced certain common clothes back to fashion. The acceptance of vintage clothing, specifically, has brought back a wide-variety of common styles into men's wardrobes, such as that of the dandy guy. 'Dandy'is a term used to refer to men who clothe themselves in a classic yet lavish way, placing importance on appearance and acting in a polished manner. This development for almost'over-the-top'traditional fashion for men is apparent from events including the'Tweed Run', where men and women of all ages dress in particularly Victorian-style attire and decide to try the streets on vintage bicycles - with lots of the men sporting remarkable mustaches! That is only one of several types of evidence displaying the resurgence of such designs. Additionally, there are numerous sites on line which give attention to gentlemanly style - such as'The Dandy Project'and'Dandyism'- as well as complete web sites such as'The Art of Manliness'dedicated to providing articles on common men's fashion and grooming.
In summary, though specific facets of common men's fashion could be brought back as new styles, the basic clothes that they derive from will never slip out of fashion.
"All it requires certainly are a few basic garments. And there is one key - the simpler the better." - Cary Grant
StyleGun is an online men's fashion shop with a technical angle.
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